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  • Shrapnel

shrapnel skill

Consumes a charge to fire a ball of shrapnel that shower the target area in explosive pellets. Enemies are subject to damage and slowed movement. Reveals the targeted area. Shrapnel charges restore restore every 55 seconds.

Range : 1800
Radius: 450
Effect Radius: 450
Damage per Second: 15 / 35 / 55 / 75
Move Speed Slow: 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
                                      Slow Duration: 2
                                         Shrapnel Duration: 10
                                         Number of Charges: 3
                                         Charge Restore Time: 55
                                         Mana Cost: 50

  • Damage will be dealt 10 times, first time at spell effect and then every second.
  • Provides 450 radius vision in the targeted area.
  • There's a 1.1 second delay before Shrapnel skill takes effect on the targeted area(0.3 second animation + 1.2 delay).

  • Headshot
Headshot skill
Sniper increases his accuracy, giving a chance to deal extra damage and slow.

Slow Duration: 0.5
Chance: 40%
Move Seed Slow: 100%
Attack Speed Slow: 100
Damage Bonus: 15 / 40 / 65 / 90

  • Works on allied creeps.
  • Cannot be evaded.
  • Stacks with Monkey King Bar's mini bash damage, having a 140% chance to proc both at the same shot.
  • Take Aim
Take Aim skill

Extends the attack rang of sniper's rifle
Range Bonus: 100 / 200 / 300 / 400

  • Total range: 650 / 750 / 850 /950
  • Level 3 and 4 of this ability allow sniper to out-range towers. 
  • Assassinate

Assassinate skill
Sniper locks onto a target enemy unity, and after 1.7 seconds, fires a devastating shot that deals damage at long range.

Range: 2000 / 2500 / 3000
Damage: 320 / 485 / 650
Mana Cost: 175 / 275 / 375 Cooldown Time: 20 / 15 / 10

  • Cross hair on target is visible to allies only; however, Assassinate does display a debuff on its target, but the duration is longer than the delay before the shot is fired. 
  • Will mini-stun the target.
  • Grants True Sight of the invisible target while Sniper is aiming. It cannot be disjointed by invisibility.(except shodaow Dance, Smoke Deceit)
  • The projectile after being fired can also be disjointed by Blinking, but only after the projectile has been fired.
  • Can be cancelled with the stop or Hold commands, but not by moving. Cooldown and mana are unaffected if stopped.
  • Aiming is canceled, if the target moves out of the spell's casting range.
  • Against heroes with base magic resistance, it will deal 266 / 379 / 491 damage.

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