Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Outworld Devourer

 Outworld Devourer

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Outworld Devourer is a ranged intelligence hero who {authorize|meets your criteria|targets} as a carry, though unlike traditional carries, this individual excels against high-armor {focuses on|goals|objectives} whilst being crippled by spell immunity. With Dissimulé Orb, his damage {result is|end result is|outcome is} reliant on his intelligence attribute and the size of his dimana pool, so he must focus more or less exclusively on goods that augment them. Though this individual lacks somewhat in range and has no {natural|inborn} mobility skills, Arcane Orb deals Pure damage and steals intelligence, meaning that if he gains an advantage in a match he deals constant, {large|heavy|huge} damage which {can not be|may not be} {reduced|lowered} or resisted except with total spell immunity and gets {better|more robust} with each hit. He {great|wonderful|fantastic} allies enjoy more-or-less unlimited dimana because of his {Substance|Fact|Importance} Aura, which gives them a chance to {replace|rejuvenate|renew} a percentage with their mana {after} casting a spell. With Astral Imprisonment, Harbinger can render {him self|him or her self} or an ally {protegido|inviolable} in a short time, or disable the {focus on|concentrate on|goal} enemy. His ultimate, Sanity's Eclipse, can instantly {offer|package} colossal area-of-effect damage against his enemies based {how} much larger his {cleverness is|brains is|intellect is} than theirs.

Lore: One of a lordly and magisterial race, Harbinger prowls the edge of the Void, sole {making it through|enduring|living through} sentry of an outpost on the world at the rim of the abyss. {Out of this|Using this} jagged transparent Outworld, forever on {safeguard|shield|officer}, he has gazed for eternities {in to the|in the} heavens, {attentive|aware|sound the alarm} for any stirring in the bottomless night {past|over and above|further than} the stars. Imprinted profound in the shining lattices of his intellect {is situated|is|is placed} a resonant pattern {similar to|comparable to} prophecy, a dark music implying that eventually some evil will wake away there, beyond the {sides|ends|corners} of creation, and {change|switch|convert} its attention to our world. With his {entire|total|full} being focused on his vigil, Outworld Devourer paid little attention to {occasions|situations|incidents} closer {into the|in the|to the} sun. {Yet|Nevertheless|Although} at last of the Ancients, and a sense of growing threat from within as well as without, {delivered|directed|dispatched} him winging sunward to visit the plains of war. Harbinger's put in place our own prophecies is unambiguous: he must be considered an omen of worse things to come. But his {introduction|appearance|entrance} {by itself is|itself is} bad enough.

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